Friday, May 29, 2009

Good days

Volcano on Lake Atitlan...
Teaching high schoolers about taking care of the environment and the importance of reforestation.

My tree I planted in the forest!Walking the trails and climbing up Tikalito- 192ish stairs up the mountain.
Rachel taking a break.
Mama Lupe's birthday party (she's on the right). My host mom (Dona Oralia) is on the left and my host dad (Don Miguel Angel) on the right.


  1. Great photos Britt!

    Happy Birthday tomorrow! Your's is one I never forget, as it usually coincided with the last day of school.

  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I always loved how it ended the school year or came right after. Like a great big birthday present.

    I hope all is well with the fam!

  3. Happy Day after your Birthday! Remember, we Evans' celebrate the entire week :) Love you and miss you. The pics are great!

  4. Brittany! A team from my church just got back from Panajachel! I didn't know if that's where you live or not, but I told them to look for you.... they built a Wesleyan church there. Is that where you live?! We send teams twice a year, so I might get to go in the Fall, which is when we will help lead a VBS there! I hope you're doing great, I'm praying for you!

  5. Hi Britney...Let I say Happy Birthday after..I remember that your day is same as Catherine's. I was impressed for my birthday cake that you baked for me in last year...lovely and colourful...I still keep it in my memory since our friends ate it all.
    Please have safely trip wherever you go.

  6. I look that tall with my Mayan friends!
    Love your outfit. Sorry I missed your BD.
