Saturday, May 23, 2009

Quick history

We've been working on putting together a quick history for new menus, pamphlets, etc and I thought I'd share it with you all.

La Historia…
Bienvenidos a El Novillero, un valle con rica historia, donde en tiempos lejanos venían los novillos a pastar. Ahora es un parque ecológico que se llama Corazón del Bosque (Uk’ux K’achelaj). Esta iniciativa local nace de una asociación de la comunidad K’iche’ que se llama La Asociación Agropecuaria y Artesanal Para El Desarrollo “La Guadalupana", las raíces de la misma vienen de una cooperativa que durante la década de los '70 fue modelo de desarrollo en Guatemala y Centroamérica.

Corazón del Bosque cuenta con diversos objetivos y esperanzas: Ofrecer una nueva alternativa de sana diversión al turista nacional e internacional, enmarcada en el turismo ecológico, comunitario y sostenible. Propiciar una cultura de protección y conservación del medio ambiente. Promover el manejo forestal sostenible y proteger nuestra flora y fauna, únicos en nuestra región (ubicada en la parte alta del área protegida de usos múltiples Lago Atitlán) como alternativa a la deforestación que sufre actualmente el medio ambiente de Guatemala. Mantener un proyecto que beneficie a nuestra comunidad, promoviendo la igualdad participativa, el aprovechamiento sostenible de nuestros recursos naturales, junto a la valorización y rescate de nuestra cultura maya K’iche'.

Nuestros servicios:
Restaurante de gastronomía típica
Cabañas rústicas de madera
Temascales (baño sauna tradicional)
Senderos interpretativos
Observación de aves
El tikalito: un reto para los que aman el deporte
Santuario y altar maya
Día de campo
Eco campamentos
Vivero forestal
Aula de la Naturaleza: para eventos y capacitaciones

The History…
Welcome to El Novillero, a valley rich with history, where in times past "novillos" (great steers) would come to graze. Now it is home to an ecological park, Corazón del Bosque (Uk’ux K’achelaj) which translates as "the heart of the forest". It is a local initiative that was born in this Mayan K’iche’ community through a group of active citizens called La Asociación Agropecuaria y Artesanal Para El Desarrollo “La Guadalupana", whose roots stem from a cooperative begun in the 1970’s which was the model of community development in Guatemala and all of Central America.

Corazón del Bosque has a diverse array of objectives and guiding principles: To offer an alternative form of entertainment to national and international tourists, by way of sustainable community tourism; to initiate environmental awareness; to promote sustainable forestry by taking care of the region’s flora and fauna (located at the highest point of Lake Atitlán’s protected area), in order to mitigate the deforestation that has been damaging Guatemala’s environment; and to maintain a project that benefits the community by promoting equal participation among its inhabitants, sustainable management of natural resources, along with an effort to conserve and preserve the culture of the Mayan K’iche’.

Our Services:
Restaurant with typical cuisine
Wood cabins
Temascales (mayan saunas)
Interpretive trails
Bird watching
El tikalito: a challenge for those who love sports
Sanctuary and Mayan altar
Picnic area
Plant and tree nursery
Nature salon: for events and trainings


  1. wow, my uncle runs it or owns it or something like that, i cant remember. Its been awhile since I;ve been to Guatemala. I found your blog on google, when i was looking for El Novillero.

    Wow, maybe you can visit my family.

  2. What's your uncle's name? The park is owned by the association, not by any individual, but but maybe he's a part of it...
